

Life in balance

The balance between personal and professional life

How do we achieve in Centenario the balance between work and personal life?

Work-life balance is important because it is
directly related to health and wellness.

Evaluate what works and what doesn’t. Make a note of it in a journal
temporary for a full week. Write down what time tokens for
start work, what you do every hour and when you log off. make a
count the hours you spent at work that day.

Keep it long term. Commit to conducting a monthly review of the
health of your work and personal conciliation. Spend between 5 and 30 minutes
Review your system and look for ways to improve it. Find new ways to
reduce or eliminate unnecessary tasks so you have more time.

Tips for employees on balance between work and personal life

Have you ever wondered why you are so stressed at work and
what can you do to avoid it?

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